Thursday, February 01, 2007

My First Time at Music Group

So last night (after skipping gym, naughty naughty) I went to JofH's Amazing Music Group. Apparently it's been going for 4 years now. He has told me about it before, but I was always too scared to go ... what with my fairly mainstream, radio type taste in music. Basically, I like stuff I can sing to ;)

Anyway, last year I decided to face my fears and give it a bash. Unfortunately their last evening of 2006 coincided with the weekend Bean & I were in Balito for my cousin's wedding ... so my foray in music group had to wait.

It was quite a fab evening, except from the brief call-out I had - damn I HATE standby! Anyway, there were loads of people (ten) there sharing their music and opinions. And we got to hear some really interesting stuff that I might listen to again and even consider putting it onto my spanking little iPod. And we also got to hear stuff that I just could not relate to ... I mean, that's not to say it wasn't very pleasant music, I just don't know when one would listen to it. Does that make sense ? I need music I can turn on and listen to ... and sing along with, as I explained earlier. Some of the more musical stuff was nice, but I just can't see an appropriate occasion in my near future where I'd need to be listening to it instead of something else? I don't know, perhaps I'm just a music-heathen ;)

And that was that. I went home yawning, had a good sleep and found myself back at work this morning :) The usual.

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