Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Night at Book Club

Yesterday I went and did a little more shopping for my trip - you know, the boring (but necessary in case) stuff like water-purifying tablets, anti-septic cream, plasters and wet-wipes (and essential for African travel!). It is getting expensive with all these little things that I may or may not end up using, and I still haven't bought my dollars yet!

And then it was Book Club time. Unfortunately I couldn't take very many books this month because I'm still busy with The Apologist (not having had much time to read lately since I've been watching so many movies and seeing so much of Varen) and then I'll be off on my trip ... I'm a little nervous to be hauling Book Club books off to Africa with me. Luckily I have 6+ books that I've bought myself over the last few months (I know, shocking and unnecessary but I just couldn't resist!) that I need to get reading, so I'll be taking one or two of those :)

Oh, and my arm still feels a little sensitive after that jab yesterday - it was fine until the afternoon, maybe I wasn't moving around enough to notice ;)

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