Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Who Moved My Ladder by Fiona Coyne

Who moved my ladder? spells out – in no uncertain terms – why so many apparently confident, poised women are taking strain and struggling to find contentment and success. With her signature take-no-prisoners style, Coyne spells out who and what is impeding the working woman's progress, both personally and professionally. She goes for the jugular at times, but her insight is acute and she offers the kind of practical solutions that can help women find their authenticity, and their ladder to the top.

This was a brilliant read and I'd recommend it to any working-woman who can stomach non-fiction. I read it at a surprisingly appropriate time - not because of having recently changed jobs because, although the work-oriented stuff was interesting, the more generalised in-depth look at female psychology (psychsis, perhaps?) is what I found truly fascinating! And it was this that kept me reading (although I admit to having skipped over some "What to do vs. What not to do" sections). In a time when I'm feeling so much personal turmoil and sadness regarding my supposed friendships with other women, reading about the natural-but-depressing PUTD interaction and the different "types" was what I got most from this read (and yes, I was also thinking I didn't fit into anyof them ... until I read the one that fit me to a tee! And no, I won't be telling). I don't know if I can use this knowledge to help me in future, but it's definitely good to have in the back of my mind. I am also not quite good enough yet to analyse many of my friends into their "types" either tho, which I think would also be helpful.

Oh well, I guess it's like with all self-help type books ... you take from it what you can and hold thumbs for all the rest! I must say also that I loved Fiona's chatty writing style :) Kinda weird after having seen her on Weakest Link ... you'd think that might've been her in character, but it seems like she was fairly well suited to the part ;)


AngelConradie said...

hhmmm… i think i might just investigate that one when i’m done with my current reads! nice review.

phillygirl said...

@angel - I'd recommend it as an interesting read :) Although be warned, some might find Fiona's style a little exhausting ...

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