What a weekend ... Friday night I'd planned a girls movie night with J9 & Squeak, since Varen was working ... again. But then he ended up getting the evening off and I luckily managed to book an extra ticket next to ours :)
We headed off to watch My Best Friends Girl.Smart, beautiful and headstrong, Alexis is the girl of Dustin’s dreams. But after only five weeks of dating, the love-struck Dustin is coming on so strong that Alexis is forced to slow things down – permanently. Devastated and desperate to get her back, Dustin turns to his best friend, Tank, the rebound specialist. A master at seducing – and offending – women, Tank gets hired by freshly dumped guys to take their ex-girlfriends out on the worst date of their lives – an experience so horrible it sends them running gratefully back to their beaus.
But when Tank works his magic on Alexis, he ends up meeting the challenge of a lifetime. Alexis is the first girl who knows how to call his bluff, and Tank soon finds himself torn between his loyalty to Dustin and a strange new attraction to his best friend’s girl.
Let me tell you, Varen was glad he came along. This is not at all a girly-girl movie, there is plenty for the boys - who laughed continuously. Although it does have all the expected girly bits too. It was fun, but I came out feeling rather flat. I really like Kate Hudson, but again she is in her typical role. You know the one, the one where someone is tricking someone and then end up falling head over heels in love and then discover the trick and become super angry, only to end up together eventually anyway (Sorry if that spoils it for you ... ?). Actually, the movie felt like an odd cross between How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and Wedding Crashers. Oh, and another thing, they did not dress her well in this movie. I mean seriously, nothing on screen (for me) will ever beat that yellow dress in How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days. But the dresses she was wearing in this did not suit her figure at all. And I still can't figure out if I like Dane Cook. Although I know I do NOT like Jason Biggs (what a moron ... okay, I know they're only the characters he plays, but still).
On Saturday Varen had the *whole* day off :) he likes to tell me it was to spend with me, but I found out they were actually fumigating their offices :) Either way, I had big plans for the day. None of which happened. We had a huge fight in the morning. Things were particularly fragile. Although I think they're back to normal now ... but I think with all of what is going on at the moment, things do swing wildly for us emotionally right now. And I know, I know. I'm not being very upfront about it here. And I'm not going to be, this is just not anonymous enough for it. Things are rocky, but I have hope and that's what I'm holding onto. But who knows what'll happen in the next few months ...
So after a very relaxing afternoon at home - sadly we spent the day doing the sort of things I've been doing on my weekends without him ... but he needed the time to relax after working every day for a week & half. We headed to another movie in the evening, Taken.Bryan had only recently given up his government career as what he calls, a “preventer” to be near his daughter, Kim. His familial goal is nearly derailed when she asks to spend time in Paris with a friend. All too aware of the dangers that could lie in a foreign land, Bryan reluctantly agrees.
His worst fears are realised when Kim and her friend are abducted from the Paris apartment at which they’ve just arrived. Moments before Kim is dragged away by the unknown assailants, she manages to phone Bryan, who begins to expertly piece together clues that will take him to the darkness of Paris’s underworld, and to the City of Light’s plushest mansions. He will face nightmares worse than anything he experienced in black ops – and let nothing and no one stop him from saving his daughter.
Meh, not great. I completely agree with Mark Kermode's review. The shoot 'em up factor is fair enough (again, not a single bad guy till he last one puts up much of a fight) although it's another movie where no one survives the film (except the good guys). The most hectic part of the movie sorta seems glossed over ... the whole sex-trade-people-buying-virgins bit. Oh my word, that made my skin crawl. Oh, and even with the wake of death, none of the authorities seem particularly concerned ... hello?! Anyway, so yeah, if you take a total break from life-logic, you'll be fine.
Sunday I was again left to my own devices while Varen went back to work. I decided to go shopping :) Ah, and so began the jeans saga. I've been browsing for kjeans for about 2 weeks now, my lovely Levi's were wearing a little thin, so I was determined to find a replacement pair. Sadly, Edgars has had a very poor Levi's range lately :( And I despise the actual Levi's store ... I can't browse for jeans when they only have 5 options and they're all folded. How can you tell what something looks like when it's folded?!? It is just not conducive to browsing.
So, I started at Truworths. I tried on almost every style of jeans they had (I've stopped being fussy out of necessity now, I figured I'd buy a cheapy pair to tide me over till I found a pair I felt kinship with ... still very sad to give up my cirrent pair). Why oh why are they only stocking skinny-style elastic-fabric jeans? I do not want a pair of jeans (comfy pants in my opinion) that are suctioned to my knees.
And then I went to Edgars (again) in the hopes that they had new stock. They did :) They had some fab new Levi's ... but do you think they had it in any size over 32? In fact most of the sizes were 28. I know they haven't sold out, they didn't have these jeans there last weekend. Now I know I'm not skinny, but I'm also certainly not the largest woman wandering the malls ... who are they stocking these jeans for then, I ask you?
Depressed I went to Woolies instead. Now they had some great options ... in my size even. But every pair I tried on was about a foot too long. I think I've now reached the point of being too short to be this chubby :P Sigh. What a nightmare shopping experience.
But, I went back to Edgars, determined (although I pretty much hate the rest of their jeans range aside from Levi's). And I found 2 pairs that were satisfactory (I could get 2 for the price of a Levi's). One is a bootleg and it's length is perfect for flat shoes even! And one is a nicer style (in my opinion, and I am fussy!) with a wide leg ... but a bit long. Wearing them with heels today and I still think I might need to get them taken up a smidge. So success at last, but sheesh, what a hassle! Why can I always find cool jeans when I'm not looking but as soon as I need a pair urgently, there's nothing for sale. But I did top my shopping off with a Little Miss TShirt like Boldy Benny :) I love it!And then I spent the afternoon at home with the bunnies. Henna is a little scoundrel :) She has now learned to get over the higher barricade round the veggie garden with just one jump! She is such a cutey tho :) It's funny to me how Bell has figured out how to jump a barricade when she thinks she's missing out on something. But, the only thing that'll get Henna to jump over is knowing there's food on the other side. And here's another picture of the cutest girls for you :) Oh, and I'm looking for a bunny-sitter for about 10 days in November ... any suggestions?
Last night Varen was home in time for dinner and I made some yummy Baby Marrow & Feta Fritters (recipe to follow, no doubt) from the new PnP Fresh Living magazine, which I am loving. It has some fab recipes :)
Monday, October 06, 2008
How To Buy New Jeans in 10 Days
Posted by
10/06/2008 08:18:00 am
Labels: Movie Review, Movie: Action, Movie: Romantic Comedy
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Jeans shopping here is a total freakin nightmare. And the thing that really kills me is that you could walk into ANY shop in the UK and find 20 flattering pairs. It's the one thing I really do miss about England.
Jeans shopping is absolute torture for me. I have extremely long lengs, so much so that standard leangth jeans are too short. Edgards stock the 'Tall' jeans but the quality is pretty much sucky so I like summer...means I get to wear capri's.:)
I'm glad you got 2 pairs that you liked. :)
Glad the little t-shirt gave you some cheer.
If you find a good fit of jeans and they're straight leg and can be rehemmed then I suggest buying them and taking them to Tobs to cut the length (I'm a shorty so pants are ALWAYS too long for me). If you want to do it yourself, try Sew Simple - a great fabric glue.
Jeans shopping can be a pain. River Island have a great boyfriend cut (fitted at the top with a wide, straight leg) and you can usually find the brand at Zoot, Meltz and EQ. Glad you found something ;-)
Your bunnies are so cute.
I hate jean shopping - the jeans i find are either too long or look too tight or too loose.
Glad you found some jeans you liked.
I found the nicest pair of jeans totally by accident at Meltz the other day. They had a whole bunch of cool styles on sale, but I guess that the sizes, styles and stock would depend on which branch you go to. That's the problem with outlet/factory stores.
I LOVE Fresh Living. The last issue's gnocchi and fishcakes recipes were delish!
strange but true... Jet has the most amazing range of jeans... (go to one of the bigger branches, you'll be surprised) but i don't think they have brand names... but really worth it!
hope all returns to normal soon friend... sounds like you're going through some tough stuff ((hugs))
@tjf - Sigh, that's just depressing!
@jane - Eep, the opposite problem. Yay for summer coming soon!
@benny - oh yes, the Tshirt is a fabulous buy, thanks again for the tip :) Hmmm, Tobs? Am going to have to investigate!
@brazen - seems no one likes jeans shopping ... you'd think such an integral purchase would be simple!
@tamara - clearly I have over looked Meltz, but they're all a bit far away for me to just pop into :(
@sweets - it's okay, I've never been much of a brand-name girl till I owned this last pair of jeans which happened to be Levi. The other thing I like about Levi is they have variable combinations (waist & length) which is great for a shorty :)
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