Friday, April 03, 2009

Still Waiting & Celebrating

Yesterday wasn't a great day. It wasn't as surprising a day as Wednesday, but anyone keeping up with my twitter stream knows Varen is waiting on some lab results. Waiting is horrible. And to top off the day, the stupid lab didn't treat them as Urgent, even tho it was written all over the form. So he'll only be getting the results today. Today is his last day at his current job. This was supposed to be a good week for him. Tomorrow is his friend's bachelor's. Finger's crossed things go according to plan. And I promise to explain all this cryptic stuff when we actually know what's going on.

But, before all things involving lab results reared their ugly head (Tuesday seems a lifetime ago!), I'd planned a celebratory dinner out for last night ... since we never really celebrated him getting the new job (he was working too many late nights at the time), I decided we'd celebrate his last day. I thought it'd be the first use I got out of my Deals on Meals card ... sadly I didn't read the small print and when I was picking out new restaurants to try from their listing, I failed to notice that the card was only valid during lunch at the restaurant I chose for last night :P But we still had a great night out, which was a perfect end to a crappy day.

We went to The Attic in Parkhurst. I will say that the service was fantastic. and I really enjoyed my food :) I tried out two starters, instead of a start & main ... so that I'd have space for dessert - I have been craving chocolate this week. I started with their Duck Cappuccino and then had the Ravioli of Lobster. Both were sublime. Varen had their Kleinrivier Gruyere Cheese Soufflé which I managed to sneak a tiny taste of. Also quite yummy! And then he had the Chicken Supreme for mains. I had a taste of that too. He loved it but it would've been way too much and way too rich for me. I then I topped it all off with the perfect Hot Chocolate Pudding. It was exactly what I was craving although I felt quite ill afterwards ;) A truly decadent meal out and a perfect distraction.


boldly benny said...

I hope everything works out for the best! Holding thumbs for you.

I LOVE The Attic. The bar is a great spot for sundowner cocktails! The owners used to own The Loft in Mellville.

Anonymous said...

Do you know that in Norwegian 'Varen' means Spring?

Have a great weekend.

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