Friday, January 14, 2011

Life as a Blur

I had an entire blog post brewing in my head this morning ... unfortunately it was at 2am this morning so seems to have promptly been forgotten :P Overheating in the middle of the night is not ideal. Wasn't sure if I was sick or if it really was just the weather ... looking at the impending rain, I am hoping just the weather.

Has been a manic week, work-wise ... which has left me wanting to do very little socially just to give me a chance to catch my breath. But Monday night was SCM Dinner which was lovely as always :) On Tuesday I joined France and CollegeInstructor for a welcome-2011-catch-up drink at our local and on Wednesday I finally had an evening to myself :) And last night was Book Club.

On the plus side of 2011, I have a new title at work and I have gymmed 4 times every week this year (sounds way more impressive when you say it hat way, right?). anyway, I'm sure there was plenty more I was going to write, but since work is now less crazy than it's been the rest of the week, I simply don't have the time right now. But here are some Bunny pics since there have been none in ages!

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