Monday, July 09, 2012

Another Weekend Flies By

Last week was pretty cool. Nothing terribly exciting. Oooh, except I did get an awesome new notebook from Macaroon! Have a look at the range, they are super cool and I love the personalisation :) Which reminds me, I need a new moleskin for my Vietnam travel diary ... wish I could get one with a cover as cool as my Macaroon one! (which I won't use while traveling purely because it's ring-bound so more likely to get damaged packed in a bag)

Other than that, I was feeling much better by Tuesday evening and went to SCM. The Trucker came over for dinner on Wednesday. And on Thursday I went to bookclub. On Friday evening we went to meet some friends for a drink at Olive 'n Twist for a farewell. We didn't stay too later and headed home at about 8pm to make pizza for dinner. Yum, home made pizza. It is so much better than store-bought (even tho we buy the bases!).

On Saturday we headed to Vovo Telo in Cresta to meet up with The Bunny Farmer for breakfast. She's up in Joburg for some work-training. After that we did a little shopping then went home to relax (I even had a nap!) before heading off to the Lions vs. Rebels game at Ellis Park with @clairam and @obitadicta. It was a pretty exciting game, well, the first half at least. And the Lions did eventually win, so that was good (The Trucker is a Lions supporter ... me, I'm all for the Stormers, obviously!).

After that The Trucker & I made a mad dash thru to HQ for @Rubyletters' 30th birthday dinner. Okay, so I was skeptical of this restaurant to start with ... I mean they only offer ONE thing. A set menu of a salad and a steak. That's it. Oh, I think they can do a vegetarian option if requested in advance. You probably know, I don't really eat red meat. Honestly there is always something I'd prefer to eat at a resaurant. But I decided hey, I'll give it a bash.

I'll admit I did ask how their single serving restaurant concept was working out for them, apparently quite well because they have far less wastage than a normal restaurant (makes total sense). But to be honest, neither The Trucker or I will be going back. Simply because, well, now we've had the one meal they offer, so why bother?

The salad was nice, but very simple (lettuce, pine nuts and parmesan cheese). I didn't especially enjoy my steak. I should've stuck with it at Medium, but The Trucker recommended Medium Well, and since I so rarely order or eat meat, I trusted him ... but instead I ended up with my least favourite meat-eating thing: chewing for ages. I did have a piece of his Medium steak which was better. The fries were nice, the sauce was pretty boring. I guess that if you like steak, this restaurant is probably more suited to you :)

On Sunday The Trucker was up early and off to cricket. I had a nice relaxing morning at home. Then we headed out to do some grocery shopping, came home, made some rolls for lunch and read in the sunshine. We napped again and watched some TV and made some pasta for dinner. Sunday, honestly, was a pretty close to perfect day <3

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