Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm a Thai Massage Guinea Pig

I'm starting to get nervous about Friday. I'm having my third and final wisdom tooth out - yes, I am evolved and didn't develop all four. I know there are plenty of wisdom tooth and general dentist horror stories but, I've been particularly lucky in this regard, having never had a filling yet - touch wood. But I have had my other 2 wisdoms removed. Thankfully none have impacted and the first two fully erupted before having to be removed because they were rubbing against the inside of my cheek. Both were done under Local Anesthetic in the chair and were surprisingly pain free. This one hasn't yet fully erupted ... and wasn't even supposed to be moving around any more (considering my age) but in the last year it's started poking it's enamel head out of my gum - nothing better than teething pain at the ripe old age of 27 :P

So after much procrastination, I have finally booked my appointment for Friday morning and am taking off the rest of the day. And now I'm getting nervous. Even tho I've done this twice before, the anticipation kills me! I think it might've had something to do with the dentist telling me last time that the bottom jaw is much tougher and therefore harder to anaesthetise. Not encouraging. But I'm sure he's done this loads of times before ... right ?

Anyway, enough with the worry,
last night turned out to be surprisingly fabulous. I thought it was going to be another mundane evening at home: exhausted after yoga and spent watching more tv series. Lucky for me, I have friends to look out for me when I hide in front of my laptop for too long :)

I got a surprise sms from Lady yesterday afternoon inviting me over for dinner and a Thai Massage - yes please! It was especially fab since I haven't seen much of her or Bug lately and now that she's joined book club, I think we've become complacent ... since we know we're seeing each other at least once a month :) Anyway, we'd said it would be great to get together for a long-overdue catch-up before book club, but I really didn't think it would end up happening ... we all have busy lives and things tend to get in the way too often.

But she surprised me with this fabulous invitation, which was exactly what I needed after the emotional up & down's of this week ... people who care about me who I can trust to be honest and supportive.

So I rushed from work to home and changed for Yoga. Then off to Yoga for my 90 minute session - it is still harder than ever this week cause of such a long break! Then back home for a speedy bath and then off to theirs.

Lady made us a fab dinner and Bug settled down to copy all the series-loot I'd brought along in lieu of wine or flowers ... I figured they'd appreciate it more in the long term, plus I had no time to scrounge up anything else. And then after all the detailed stories were told I settled down on a blanket on their lounge floor to play guinea pig for Lady's recent Thai Massage training. Oh the flaming pain ;)

It was fab and I enjoyed every minute of it, although I think I provided her with more of a challenge than usual since my back is particularly knotted at the moment ... in fact I was thinking I might actually need to get a proper massage to sort me out asap.

So that was my evening, finished off with a nice hot choc and then a freezing drive home. it was a much needed nice quiet night spent with good friends :)

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