Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's Wet

Yes, it's still raining. And as much as I loved the entire day of rain on Sunday (when I could stay snug inside in my pajamas), the novelty is wearing off fast! It seems to make Varen & I both very lazy. We snuggled up in bed while I read my book and he dozed. Damn but it was hard to get up and go to gym!

But we did. We haven't lost any weight yet ... I figure it's our bodies adjusting to eating 6 times a day. That and I don't think we're quite figured out exactly how little "a portion" is :) But we had the Macaroni Cheese for dinner last night and it wasn't too bad at all - needed a little more flavour, but that was quickly solved with a spoon of salsa ;)

And in other news, people continue to disappoint (or lie as I like to call it). The Rent has still not been paid. The Tenant assures me it'll be done today. For some reason she cannot understand that I just want her to tell me the truth for a change ... not that I'd believe it. Crying wolf, and all. So I keep phoning and bugging her because I figure it's the only way to get her to understand that there is no benefit in saying today if it's not going to be done today ... since it means I'll just phone her again tomorrow. Clearly my phone calls don't bother her one bit tho.

And then the new Floor Guy who actually came all the way to our house to assess the damage, he still has not emailed the quote. I mean really? What exactly does he think we can do without the quote? Without the quote, him actually assessing the floor has been a complete waste of time!

And currently Varen & I are looking at getting ourselves a pet ... yes, I'm caving. But not a dog. We're going to start with dwarf bunnies :) And the guy was supposed to send some information via email. Do you think he did? Nope. Maybe Varen's email address is just too complicated for all these people?

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