This morning my car was frozen, like a popsicle. I first noticed it's new white rooftop (which should ordinarily be a thunder grey type colour!). Then when I hopped inside, and turned it on, I got an Ice Risk warning. It was a balmy 2 degrees C. I couldn't even use my windscreen wipers, they just scraped over the ice-encrusted windscreen like sandpaper. Eventually the car-heater kicked in and melted it enough to move it to the sides with the wipers - yay, I could see enough to drive!
I drive along a river bank on my new route to work and it was especially stunning this morning, perhaps only because it's the first ime I've seen it white with frost (almost like snow but not nearly as much fun!). This river itself looked like it was steaming, obviously the rushing stream kept the water far warmer than the dew on the grass. And the little temperature guage in my car ... which for the last week or so has sort of hung about at 8 or 9 degrees was down at 2 or 3 this morning. Eep.
Oh and another thing about the morning drive (okay, this is a general traffic rant), people who think they're being "nice" or "kind" by letting someone into the lane in front of them irritate the crap out of me. I mean it makes total sense to do it when it's part of the road-law. Like letting the poor people at a stop street into the no-moving traffic in front of you on a one from your lane, one from mine sort of basis is comppletely acceptable. Same for general feeder lanes that just join up. But when someone has deliberately taken the wrong lane to get ahead in the traffic and then wants to jump to the front of the queue, that annoys me (although if they have a CA number plate, let them in, they probably have no idea where they are or that they were in a turning only lane anyway!). And the irony is you think you're being nice or kind (as I said before) but you are only considering 1 person, the car you're letting in. What about he 50 cars behind you who have dutifully queued in the correct lane?
And yes, maybe it'd be fine if only 1 car was let in front of you, you're right, it wouldn't make that much difference in a person's journey or traffic-wait-time. But when there are 10 people in the lengthy traffic queue in frnt of me, each being "nice" to 1 other person ... well then my wait has now doubled. Now, admittedly, I've been known on occasion to make use of this idiocy of people to my own advantage. But hey, if everyone's going to be stupid about things ... But I don't do it often and I'm always quite aware that I'm taking advantage of people's annoying and misplaced "kindness". Come on people, take a stand ... don't let the arrogant and opportunistic folk jump to the front of the queue, they're relying on people like you!
Disclaimer: Please note that I did state above that this does not in anyway apply to people a) trying to cross lanes in traffic (let them thru or they end up waiting for ages!) or b) people coming into your lane via a stop street or feeder lane ... then it's practicalyl the law to be nice and let them in politely ... Use your own discretion her but have a think about *everyone* else in the traffic, not just about he dope who sped up the fast lane to jump the queue. Say no to Queue-Jumping :)
In other news, last night Varen worked late and I finished Lost S4 ... sheesh. Now I really can't wait for S5. Which I guess was sorta their intention ;) I also watched P.S. I Love You and made a fabulous dinner :)Holly Kennedy is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life - a passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman named Gerry. So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it's a good thing he planned ahead. Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series of letters that will guide her, not only through her grief, but in rediscovering herself. The first message arrives on Holly's 30th birthday in the form of a cake, and to her utter shock, a tape recording from Gerry, who proceeds to tell her to get out and "celebrate herself". In the weeks and months that follow, more letters from Gerry are delivered in surprising ways, each sending her on a new adventure and each signing off in the same way; P.S. I Love You. Holly's mother and best friends begin to worry that Gerry's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, but in fact, each letter is pushing her further into a new future. With Gerry's words as her guide, Holly embarks on a journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage, friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality of death into a new beginning for life.
I kinda liked the movie, even tho I really don't think Hilary Swank is all that (there's something about her mouth/teeth that irritates me). It was lovely in a girly, romantic way - every girl dreams that her man will have as much love and foresight :)
Thursday, June 05, 2008
And Then There Was Frost
Posted by
6/05/2008 07:37:00 am
Labels: Movie Review, Movie: Romantic Comedy, Rant
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MM told me his car was also caked in frost this morning. It's freezing today - I've had my fill of winter, I'm ready for summer again!
I so agree with you re people cutting off traffic by being in the wrong lane. MM and I discuss it all the time and basically agree that drivers can be very inconsiderate.
I'm glad you specified being nice to CA cars - I have a CA car and get alot of flak on the roads.
I also really enjoyed the film. :) I love Gerry's irish accent.
i need a zone 1 dvd player... sigh mine was built in in the 1920's ;) i gotta see that movie!
i agree totally with your traffic rant... i ignore people who want a gap who doesn't deserve one... CAUSE I'VE BEEN STANDING IN THE RIGHT LANE FOR THE PAST 10 MINUTES!! sheesh...
It's Summer over here (in the UK) and cool.. though today is a bit warmer which makes a change.
I have read the book ps. I love you.. haven't seen the film yet but the book was good.
@sage - The film is fun but iof you've read the book it'll annoy you :( There is so much they left out and so much about her character that they left out etc.
It's sweet and lovely but the book is MIIIILES better!
@benny - i had a CA number plate myself till I got my little c2 ... was devastated to have to give it up :(
@jane - I must say I preferred Denny Ducrane (the guy from Grey's) in the movie far more ...
@sweets - Glad to hear you're doing your bit in the traffic ;)
@sage & @missm - there's a pretty lengthy "differences btw book & movie" on the wikipedia page I read ... but I imagine like with most other books, it must be better than the hollywood gloss ;)
sheesh, it gave me an error when i submitted that comment and I was dreading having to try remembering it and retyping! But there it is :) Lucky me.
That movie made me laugh and cry (there were times I did that at the same time)
It also made me want to travel to Ireland!!
@ Miss M, isn't that always the case? Books are better than the movies, but movies are just so much easier! haha!
Here's a little heads up about CA drivers riding up the wrong lane and queue jumping - they're not lost - they're queue jumping! Just ride along the M5 Black River Parkway any day and be stuck in the SINGLE right hand lane that takes you both to the N1 from the Southern Suburbs to the Northern Suburbs or Milnerton (this can take 30 to 45 minutes on a good day) and watch all the queue jumpers speeding up the left-hand lane to Cape Town and then forcing their way in to the RH lane at the head of the queue just as the two lanes separate and head off in their different directions. And by forcing their way in, I mean if you don't move they'll force you off the road!
@charmskool - oh, don't get me wrong, by all means the comment on CA number plates does not apply to people driving in the Western Cape. Benny & I are both ex-Capies living up in Joburg. The CA number plates up here are often lost and not just queue-jumping ;) It's happened to me. But then I just try and hold my map-book in a very conspicuous way so they can tell I don't have a clue!
Oh I'm with you on getting lost in Joburg - I had to drive from Sandton to Sydenham in January - in a strange car and was terrified all the way. Made it in one piece and have never felt so happy as when I recognised Louis Botha Avenue and knew my way home. Although Joburg drivers are not nearly as bad as Cape Town drivers.
@charmskool - eep, I've lived here 4 years now and don't have a clue where Sydenham (Sandringham, I know tho ... ?) is. See, I still rely on my trusty map book, even these days - especially as I was figuring out my most efficient route to the new job :)
ps. absolutely love your little bunny pic :)
It is FREEZING!!!!!!! I live in Africa for the sun!!!! lol Clearly I can't wait for winter to be over (and it's not even really here)
oooh gerard butler is just yummy!
and i am SO with you on the traffic thing!!! if i am queueing, and someone has been waiting where they SHOULD have waited instead of cutting corners i will let them in IF i am not going anywhere already. but if you have cut corners to get where you are- don't expect me to do you ANY favours!
@supermom - paha, yeah it's gonna be a long wait me thinks. Just enjoy the fires, hot choc and scarves in the meantime :)
@angel - exactly!
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