Well another weekend come and gone. But it was a good one ... although we started out with very little planned. Friday night was very quite hell, i barely remember what we did. I don't think anything except chill out at home.
Saturday morning we were up early-ish for climbing. I realised that it's not a great passion for me and although it's sometimes fun to do, I doubt I'll extend my membership when my month is up. It's a neither here nor there thing for me ... does that make sense? Anyhoo, I realised I neither missed it or minded that we hadn't been for 2 weeks. But I did have a good time on Saturday morning and made it to the top 4 times (on two different (grade 13 - the lowest) courses - although I tend to do a bit of a smartie course ;) I'm convinced they've left out some protrusions in each colour!)
After that we did some general admin type stuff ... hmmm, I don't rememebr exactly what actually. Varen had his hair cut. I stayed home with my bunnies. And then we got to gardening. My previous attempts failed simally, except for 1 thriving spinach plant. Me thinks it's because for some peculiar reason none of the 3 pots I bought came with drainage holes. So I dutifully emptied out all the potting soil and Varen drilled me some. After that we hit the nursery and restocked on potting soil and some yummy plants for the bunnies ... and a handy fence-type thing to stop them getting to the plants before they've had a chance to grow. It was a nice ordinary Saturday afternoon spent gardening :) more relaxing and fulfilling than one might realise!That evening we headed off to dinner with GalleryGirl (soon to be redubbed J9-double0blonde, a recent more suitable nickname she's been given ;) ) and her sister Squeak, at Plaka in Illovo. Dinner was delish, I do love a meal of tapas and picking at different flavours. And when we were all done we decided that we weren't quite ready to go home just yet so headed off to Melrose Arch to enjoy a cocktail or two at JB's Corner. Yum, I really can recommend their Chocolate Martini and Black Forest Gateau (consider these cocktails a replacement for dessert!).
On Sunday we skipped climbing and we were supposed to go to a potjie at one of Varen's friends, but it got cancelled. Instead we did a little more admin - headed to Makro to get myself a shiny new keyboard & mouse for work to replace the awful others I'd previously returned. And let me tell you that this morning I'm very happy with the purchase :) We also took a wander around Clearwater Mall - Varen has a compulsive needto visit the Apple Store every so often and drool ;) While wandering around, we decided to stop at Milky Lane for a waffle. I can't even remember the last time I had a waffle! The were as good as I remember and after scooping off half my ice-cream and only finishing three quarters of it, I'm good for waffles for another few years ;)After that we headed to Vodacom's World of Golf. I'd decided a little while ago that there were a few weekend activities (like climbing, golf and berry-picking etc.) that I'd like to do. So this weekend we dusted off Varen's very old golf clubs (or sticks as I prefer to call them) and went a-swinging (also incorrect lingo). It was quite fun, as an occasional activity ... it seems I feel much the same for golf as I do for climbing: can be a few hours of fun, but I wouldn't want to plan my life around it. I'm not too shabby, but I certainly hurt afterwards (as did Varen who hasn't played in ages!). I couldn't find any details on the website about day-entry fees, but it's about R120 to get in there as a non-member. No doubt we'll go back for another afternoon on the driving range (or Target Tess as they call them), but probably only in a few months! I had a laugh remembering the good old days when I worked in Cape Town (2003) and the boys and I headed down the road to Pollsmoor Prison during lunch to use their driving range.
After that we had a little bit of a snooze (well Varen did, I read my book) and later watched The Other Boleyn Girl.A sumptuous and sensual tale of intrigue, romance and betrayal set against the backdrop of a defining moment in European history: two beautiful sisters, Anne and Mary Boleyn, driven by their family's blind ambition, compete for the love of the handsome and passionate King Henry VIII.
It was quite an entertaining movie, although I'm pretty certain (even without the obvious knowledge that it's a Hollywood film) that it must be historically inaccurate, I still enjoyed it. Anne was portrayed as quite a conniving, egotistical bitch (and quite insane towards the end) whereas Mary was quite clearly the one you were supposed to feel sorry for, chasing after love and all. The King of England, I thought came across as quite a weak character. I thought both girls were fairly well cast. Generally, I liked it :) For further reading, check out Wikipedia.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Improve your Golf Swing
Posted by
6/23/2008 08:03:00 am
Labels: Local Tourist Ideas, Local Tourist in Johannesburg, Movie Review, Movie: Historical Drama, Restaurant Review, Restaurants in Johannesburg
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Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's story is one of my favourite periods of history.. if I could go back in time it would be to this era and find out the truth. Whether she was a pawn, or a conniving girl who reached for the highest chance would be fascinating.
Sounds like a really fun weekend with you man. I'm longing for an easy weekend with my boyfriend, but things just seem to be so busy.
I'm dying to watch The other Boleyn... will definitely look out for it.
golf?!!??! eep :)
*sigh* Waiting for double0blonde to write a full review of your visit!! GG or 00blonde.. where fore art thou?
Sounds like a fab weekend. I watched The Other Boleyn Girl at the cinema, but unfortunately I dozed off during a crucial bit, so I spent a large part of the movie a bit confused. Also, the problem with historical dramas is that you kinda know how it's going to end, don't you?
@sage - Oooh, that would be very interesting :) Oh and the outfits!
@benny - Yeah, saw you're having a hectic social time of it lately ;) Luckily it comes and goes like a wave.
@sweets - I know, sometimes I surprise myself :) But I figure you've sorta gotta try stuff like that at least once in life ... to know if you like it or not - I have some serious golf players in my family so the gene could've been there ;)
@mrjones - I'm working on her, but she is totally keen!
@tjf - yeah snoozing during a movie is not ideal, which is why I prefer watching in the comfort of my own home, with an handy pause button on the remote and no teenagers on their cellphones or geriatrics asking what the lead actor just said at the tops of their voices ;)
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