Monday, December 22, 2008

The Last Joburg Weekend for 2008

Damn, I wish I could remember what we did on Friday night ... but I'm pretty sure it involved hours of Series watching and some Woolies soup for me (Varen had had a rather large xmas lunch at work and skipped dinner).

Saturday started with a trip to the Post Office. Blegh. Originally I was both looking forward to this ( I was expecting a delivery from Springleap) and not looking forward to this (Varen has lost our post office box key). But on Friday evening I checked my Springleap order (without the po box key, chances were not high that I'd have access to the delivery slip so wanted to take the tracking number along with me) ... and discovered my order had been delivered to Ashwood (which I gather, based on the telephone dialling code, is somewhere in Durban). Not a good omen.

But on Saturday morning, firstly, I discovered the box key in Varen's glove box (yippee) and then I found a collection slip amongst the post we collected. As I suspected, I'd merely been emailed the wrong tracking number. I happily collected my Don't Care Bear Springleap shirt. Needless to say it was a good start to the day :) It is an awesome shirt and I wore it on Sunday ... the only thing I'm a little disappointed with is the fact that the "carebear" text is in silver ... it's so light it's fairly hard to read. But other than that I love the colour of the shirt itself (fairly hard to tell from a website!) and I got a cute little dontcarebear pin too! Well worth it :)

We got some other Xmas admin done before coming home and relaxing with the buns. They're getting much better and we've started letting all 3 out in the garden (always supervised) at the same time. Bell is still sometimes chasing Coal (but she also chases Henna), but she seems much less interested (and even more so by Sunday evening) and the nipping & grunting seems to have almost stopped completely. Things are definitely improving.

But my poor little man is missing some fur so we're not letting him & Henna share a hutch anymore till he's a bit older & bigger ... she may not be the dominant one between her & Bell, but put her alone in a hutch with a tiny little month-old bunny and I'm not so sure. So just to be safe we're still keeping them separated overnight.

Coal's personality is definitely starting to show as he explores the garden & hutches and he's a real cutey. Very curious like Bell :) He was even playing "hide & seek" with Bell on Saturday afternoon ... she was in her hutch and he'd sneak round the back (only he is tiny enough to fit thru there) and stand on his back legs where she could see him and then crounch back on all fours out of sight. Hysterical to watch! On the left is a photo of him watching TV with Varen & I. So adorable :)

On Saturday afternoon I got my final Xmas shopping done ... my gift for Varen :) (not telling since I know he reads this!) and later the two of us put the bunnies to bed and went to watch The Day the Earth Stood Still.

A renowned scientist (Jennifer Connelly) finds herself face to face with an alien called Klaatu (Keanu Reeves), who has traveled across the universe to warn of an impending global crisis. She quickly discovers the deadly ramifications of Klaatu's claim that he is "a friend to the Earth." Now she must find a way to convince the entity who was sent to destroy us that mankind is worth saving - but it may be too late.

It was decidedly just okay. Unfortunately that's really all I have to say about it. I do like the way they "explain" his humanness, but other than that it's much the same as other American armageddon-type movies where even tho the rest of the world is "affected" they don't seem to be involved at all in doing anything to help save the world.

On Sunday Varen & I went to Angel's bday party. Sadly we didn't stay very long as the heat was bringing on another of Varen's headaches and I certainly wasn't in the mood for another trip to the emergency room. We left early and came home so that he could take the meds he got the last time and spent the afternoon relaxing. Me, outside with my 3 boons. (But we were lucky enough to taste her cupcakes! this time she made a delish strawberry one as well as a peanut butter & caramel one ... so delish!)

Below is a pic of my little boy bounding off the stoep. And one of my girl's relaxing in the sun as only girls can - looks like Henna is tanning or something, doesn't it ;)

And that was pretty much the weekend. Officially our last weekend in Joburg for 2008. Sheesh.


Louisa said...

I'm sorry I missed you guys at Angel's party on Sunday.

It's cool that your bunnies seem to be getting along better're right Coal is a real cutey! :-)

Onelargeprawn said...

My brain stood still whilst I watched the cast bumble through The Day the Earth Stood Still. Perhaps watching the original might have been a better use of my time.


phillygirl said...

@louisa - yeah, would've been cool to see you :) Am so relieved that each day they get on better than before! I was so worried initially ...

@onelargeprawn - yeah, you'd probably love Mark Kermode's review ;)

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