I was supposed to be at work today ... I was at work this morning. I was up at 6:30am and in at work just after 7am. The company is actually closed this week, but I wrangled a deal so that I could try to work back some of my leave (having used up 16 days in November). Was planning on working today and tomorrow. Unfortunately I was locked out, again.
Let me try to explain the office issues we've been experiencing to the best of my understanding. We have access tags that allow us first entry into the actual building and then secondly into our actual office. These doors are not locked, they're held closed with giant magnets that are *supposed* to release when you scan the tag. Seems that for the last few weeks, every time we have a huge storm, the tags stop working and the magnets keep us locked out until someone can switch off the entire office complex's power. It's annoying. Usually there are enough other people trying to get into the offices to actually accomplish entry. On a day when myself and one other person were the only ones there trying to get in, with no idea how to switch off the power and the person supposedly in charge of the office complex only provided a voice mail, I gave up and came home. Sadly Varen is still at work :(
And now, on to more exciting news, Xmas weekend. Varen and I had a fabulous, relaxing weekend on the farm with his folks, sister and BrotherZion as well as his aunt & uncle from The Cheese Shop. We read our books, swam (mostly just me in the little porta-pool they put up), went for a ride on the horses (a new addition to the farm and not my idea of that much fun, really), took the quad bike out to visit the cows & buck and ate ... ate a lot. We also had a fabulous Xmas which meant we had more things to do ... like play darts (the ideal gift that Varen & I got his dad that kept the entire family entertained) and even a little Xbox (which BrotherZion got for xmas). We also took a visit up the road to a nearby farm where they are breeding lions (I won't go into what I think about this ... but needless to say I think animals should generally be free ... or at least not in a tiny cage but rather have some decent run around space).
We had an amazing Xmas lunch, with Gammon, stuffed Turkey and Lamb. Below are two good before and after shots ;)
Me, I was spoilt too ... even tho I wasn't with my family, it was a lovely day. My favourite gifts are by far my cute little black bunny and the plant stand I got from Varen's folks! Finally I should be able to grow some plants out of reach of my darling buns.And on that note, they were also spoilt this weekend. Before now, there was a bamboo U-shaped enclosure around the lapa & braai which Varen's dad kindly enclosed completely so that the buns could run around safely in there. They had more space than our entire garden! They loved it. And I am completely thrilled to report that since the drive down to the farm (3 hours) which they spent altogether in the little cat-box on my lap (a typical bonding method), they are now all getting on amazingly and are even sleeping in one hutch! I'm so happy about that :) Bell & Coal get on better than I think they could imagine. He follows her around exploring ... Bell was a real little Columbus this weekend, getting out the bamboo fencing 3 times. Luckily she got into another semi-enclosed area where the cars get parked and we managed to catch her. Shoo, was quite scary for a moment there!
Henna was mostly a real little princess, as she is :) But was quite funny when she started thumping when she heard the sheep or horses nearby (outside the bamboo area).
It was a fabulous weekend and now we're thinking of heading back there for the new year's weekend too ... although that time it'll just be me, Varen & the bunnies. Simply because I think it's the only way to really feel like we've had at least a little bit of a break. Anyhoo, will keep you posted :)
Oh, and just while I was busy uploading pics for this post, I heard a loud bang. Seems Coal & Bell had been playing near some wooden planks (the left overs of what we'd used to make the box for their double-storey hutch) and they'd fallen over. Coal was fine, walking around on top of the wood, but I found Bell still under them. So we had a quick rush to the vet and she is thankfully fine. Nothing broken, probably a little bruised so she got an anti-inflammatory shot, but otherwise just a little shaken. Shoo. That was terrifying!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Spoilt Xmas Weekend
Posted by
12/29/2008 08:39:00 am
Labels: Bunny Bonding, Cute Bunny Photo, Visits to the Vet
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Eep! That is scary! Glad she's fine! :)
It sounds like a lovely time Phillygirl! And the dinner looks so yummy!
That dinner looks really yum! Love that you got another bunny :) Looks like you had a wonderful time.
@jane - yes, it was scary! But she is back to normal now :)
@jenty - Xmas lunch was delish. Coaley is just darling and I loving how well the three of them are getting along now - they're so cute when they're all lying together. Colourful :)
if you stress that much about a ball of fluff what are you going to be like with a kid?
@exmi - paha, yeah I know! But honestly I think I worry more about my animals than I will about my kid. Kids can generally at least howl in pain or something and eventually even tell you if they hurt and where they hurt.
My fear and paranoia about my buns, in particular, is that they don't make a sound. Bunnies in particular don't let on when they are unwell. "rabbits innately tend to hide their illnesses and injuries" ... if you're interested, read more here.
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