Wow, it's been a very busy social weekend. On Thursday evening, out of the blue, I got a call from The Trucker saying he could get the Mahindra again and we could finally move the gym stuff from my verrandah. Which has made such a difference :)
His cricket had been cancelled and we headed off to @clairam's with the gear. We stayed for a drink and chatted the evening away. Aside from the sweltering hot days, these warm evenings are really lovely at the moment.
On Friday I went and splashed out on my new TV! I was planning on getting myself one ever since I put the offer in on the house. It makes sense. I watch a fair amount of series and I ended up in the old house just in my room watching on my laptop. I barely ever used my lounge, like ever. I have realised that's also probably a lot to do with the layout of the house, because even without a tv, I've barely spent any time that wasn't sleeping in my bedroom in my new house.
But anyway, having a TV is also more sociable because it means The Trucker and I can comfortably now watch series or movies at my house :) And I was getting more series from DJMike on Friday evening.
So, with all that in mind, I've been keeping an eye out (hardly at all, honestly) for a TV. I did not want to spend a fortune at all and earlier this week I found this special at HiFi Corp. They have a 42" LG (full HD) for 5K. A steal when I think that a few years ago Varen bought his 42" for about 14K!
So during lunch I headed over to Woodmead's HiFiCorp and bought myself a new (massive!!) TV. And a dvd player so I could plug the hard drive in (totally unnecessary with this TV!) and a TV License :( *sob* I get why everyone who owns a TV should have one because they *could* get signal if they wanted it. But I never plan to plug my TV into anything more than my hard drive. So that really was a bit of a grudge purchase. But they've become a lot more sneaky about it and there was no way round it.
I was quite amazed I could fit the giant TV box into my little C2. Barely. I was squished up against my steering wheel for the rest of the day. But smiling :)
And then The Trucker came over after work to install it for me ... although I was hugely disappointed that we got the wrong screws for the stand so we had to pop back on Saturday morning. But it did all get set-up and used this weekend, and wow, it just looks absolutely massive! I guess compared to my laptop screen it really is :) Haha.
The Trucker went home after that and got ready for the braai we were having at his house while I waited for DJMike & his girlf to come over and see my new place. And then we all went to the braai. It was delish & there was so much yummy food (The Trucker braaied ribs!).
Saturday morning was all admin, shopping and getting the right screws for the TV. The afternoon was spent relaxing (in front of the new TV - haha). And on Saturday evening we headed off to dinner with the SCM Dinner crowd (on a Saturday, I know!) Haha. It was awesome, but again wa-ay too much good food. Hummus and melba toast for starters. Beef Wellington for mains and Cheesecake for dessert. Was nice that The Trucker could finally meet that group properly :)
And then on Sunday, The Trucker & I had a long chat. Things seem better now. Admittedly things always seem to go up and down, depending on my mood and how secure / insecure I'm feeling generally. But I think it's hard when a relationship has to cope thru rough times in people's life (like the work chaos he's currently dealing with) so early on. It does put weird strain on that you haven't had enough time yet to figure out how to deal with or how it affects each other. Who know what'll happen. For now things are okay again. #sigh Life is complicated. Haha.
I went to breakfast at Vovo Telo on Sunday morning with some of the work-girls. We hardly see each other anymore now that the company has grown so much. So it's nice to have these catch-ups :) And Vovo Telo was delish!
After breakfast I headed to Mark's Park to watch The Trucker play cricket & we had their year-end braai there afterwards. And then I headed home to spend some quality time with the bunnies (they are absolutely loving their new garden. The heat, not so much) and watch some more series :) While The Trucker got some work done.
Ps. My Bond officially got lodged at the Deeds office this morning :) Giant happy smiles all round!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
An Awesome Weekend
Posted by
11/14/2011 07:51:00 am
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Glad it was a good weekend :-) Sounds like a lovely mix of productive, social and restful.
Do I hear "new series"? :-D
Congrats on your TV, Besides the fact that I have nowhere to put one, I also mostly watch things on the laptop so i don't really see the point.
When you bought the TV did they actually check that it was *your* licence? I know in the past many people bought TVs with borrowed licences. Their mailing list is tougher to get off of that the SARS one. One guy I worked with was still getting calls about licence fees on his mother's licence and she's been dead for 5 years already!
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