Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I do love a long weekend

Cough. Splutter. Wheeze. Dammit. I appear to be getting sick again. The Trucker thinks it's a little hilarious because I told him I never get sick. Truth is I never used to get sick ... but I think since last year and starting on my daily allergy-induced asthma meds, I do get sick more. Not because of the meds, but probably because they hide the fact that I am actually getting sick so there is no chance to nip it in the bud early and avert it. Anyhoo. I would very much have liked to spend today in bed (not least of all because it is freezing as well), but there is plenty at work to be done and not enough people to do it right now. So it just wasn't an option this morning.

Righto, so yes, it's Tuesday. We had a lovely Monday public holiday and long weekend here :) YAY. And I had a pretty fantabulous weekend. Although there was far too much drinking! I am definitely not even smelling a drop of alcohol (except perhaps in my cough syrup) till Surprise Date Night on Thursday (I organised this one and can't wait! So far I've even still managed to keep it a surprise, go me!).

We started Friday afternoon with sundowners ... I had had a rough week and day in the office and was desperate to get out of here and not stay for a Friday drink at the office. So I headed home to meet The Trucker and we went to Col'Cacchios and sat on their balcony watching the beautiful sunset view. @clairam and @obitadicta joined us a little later. And one thing turned into another as we moved our drinks inside and stayed for dinner, sharing 4 pizzas (Celebrity Chef David Grier's The Adventurer, a Smoky Babe, a Morituri and a Da Terra, which was my least favourite). Yummy. Was lovely to see them since they were headed off to Mauritius for a sneaky week in the sun on Saturday morning, Jealous!

On Saturday morning we were up early with the arrival of the gardener. But he helped me get the bunny hutch all cleaned so well worth it :) We got our grocery shopping out of the way and headed off to Sun City with @Toxic_Mouse and his girlf around 3pm. Kings of Chaos, baby. It wasn't as bad a drive there and back as I was expecting. We made good time, and on the way home the girls slept :) The concert was great! I didn't really know what to expect, it was The Trucker who really wanted to go to watch Slash (he loves his 2 solo albums). And while Slash didn't perform any of his solo stuff (even tho Myles Kennedy was there as a vocalist), it was still a fantastic show. We did get momentarily excited about going to see Slash and Myles Kennedy again (this time it would be Slash's solo stuff) in New York when we're there in September ... but we were looking at 2012 tour dates :( Very sad.

And on Sunday we had a very lazy morning ... breakfast at Doppio and then headed off to a friend's house for a Cheese and Wine. Shew, we had such a great afternoon (it started at 2pm) and only got home around 22h30 ! Drank *way* too much but had such a blast. But that meant I was feeling very sorry for myself on Monday. Thank goodness for public holidays with nothing to do! The Trucker had a little work to do, and I pretty much parked myself under a blanket in front of the TV for most of the day drinking Creme Soda :)

Haha, another thing we did this weekend was investigate the idea of a Vegas wedding. Bwahahaha. Okay, so we wouldn't go the whole legal route (although you can, but it's a hassle) ... for now I'm trying to find out if we can just do what they call a commitment ceremony, where you don't actually apply for the marriage license. A wedding, as opposed to a marriage, I guess. Just for the fun of it, it's always been something I wanted to do in Vegas, I kinda thought it'd be like a 5 or 10 year renewal of vows, but the truth is were going to Vegas now, and we don't have any vows to renew yet. We looked at the Elvis options, but since neither of us is particularly a fan, we've decided to aim for the Drive-Thru option. Haha. Investigations continue ... Sadly we don't have time (or money) for one of those Neon Graveyard photoshoots ... omg I would *love* that.

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