Friday, December 20, 2013

Last Post for 2013!

Meh, I should be in a spectacular mood today! 4.5 hours and counting till my Xmas holidays officially begin and I can blow this joint till Monday 6th Jan 2014 <--- eep!

But I'm not. I mean I'm sure I'll get there but my mood is strained this morning.

It hasn't been too busy a week. Work started quietening down yesterday, finally. Although there was still some mad scramble and chaos earlier in the week. I spent the whole of Tuesday training clients. Not something I ordinarily do. So it was quite nice, since it was different, but I don't like having to be constantly concentrating. A large part of getting thru a work-day for me is distraction. Having people around constantly, watching what you're doing, does not allow for sufficient distraction. In fact it requires some serious focus. Quite draining. I couldn't do it every day!

Tuesday and Wednesday evening were normal. Aside from another storm on Wednesday night when I noticed that the entire inside of Lily's hutch was drenched. Turns out the tarp which would ordinarily be keeping her dry was leaking terribly ... quite likely to do with The Gypsy Cat climbing all over it and clawing it (she lands on it when she jumps down from the roof). Lily was also drenched.

So I whisked her out of there and into the very old mini-hutch and brought her inside for the night. Gypsy was fascinated. We shut Lily in the spare room. I reckon I'm gonna have to try and buy a new hutch *this* afternoon!! #sigh At least we've been looking at new (much smaller) ones already. So I have an idea of what I want (the exact one in the photo below!!). But what if it's not available today? How will we manage this while we're away. Lily does NOT like the little hutch and it's much harder to give her some space from Gypsy in it. So I spent about half an hour last night trying to get her back into the small one, but eventually gave up and let her go back into the still-drenched big hutch, her home.

And then when the rain started at around midnight, I went and moved her to the little hutch again. The timing of this is ridiculous o_0

Yesterday afternoon, The Trucker and I had both booked massages and I had booked a Deluxe Pedi for myself at the new Siami Spa in Bellairs. R200 for a Deluxe Pedi, yes please!

I quite liked the Pedi, I'll probably go back. The massage wasn't that great for me, it was a bit sore ... it was a sports massage but not like what I was expecting. It seemed to have a lot of pressure-point aspects. Their prices are good so I think I may go back for a Hot Stone or a Back, Neck & Shoulder massage sometime in the future.

Anyway, The Trucker had his massage while I was getting my toes done and then I went for my massage and he went off to "quickly" (his word, not mine) drop off a laptop with some friends and then collect his passport which he'd left in the bakkie he'd taken to Botswana (all within a 10min drive). I was surprised after my 90min massage that he didn't get home before me. Especially since he had said earlier in the afternoon that he had bought something to make for dinner (and based on his messages he was looking forward to whatever it was).

He arrived at 8pm. Dinner was ready by 8:30pm. I didn't eat. That is far too late for me to eat at night and he made pasta. Needless to say I wasn't impressed since I definitely was not expecting him home so late and he never once told me he was going to be late ... Boys. Pfft. His expectations are so different from mine sometimes, it's crazy. And then instead of just apologising, he gets in a huff because I'm annoyed he's home so late and didn't bother to tell me. Based on what he'd told me he was doing while I was having my massage I really didn't expect it to take 2.5hrs o_0 But, you know, apparently plans change ...

Often, I wouldn't really care. I mean if I was expecting him home at 5 and he came home at 6, or even 7, it wouldn't matter (assuming it was just another regular night at home and we didn't have plans). To me, that's still in time for dinner and so "not late". I guess, for me, not keeping me in the loop and coming home late like that leaves me feeling very low on the priority list. You know, everyone else is more important, obviously. Whereas I don't have any problems being all "Oops, sorry, gotta get home and make dinner still, but it's been great catching up".

I know, in the grand scheme of things, he actually does care about me and I'm not really at the bottom of his priority list, but sometimes with a partner / person you live with and see everyday, I think it gets forgotten since you will still see them, and you'll still see them tomorrow again ... so what is an extra hour catching up with someone right now, while you're there. I do actually get the logic of that. But tell a person your plans with them are off and you're staying where you are catching up?

To me, it means that getting home to me and the dinner plans I thought we'd made wasn't important enough to be on time for (although we hadn't set a time, dinner at our house is generally ready to eat between 7 & 7:30pm). And then he sat and worked till midnight. So yeah, stellar evening. Urgh.

So, I don't feel very special or cared for at all today. I know it'll pass, but adding to my disappointment is the timing of things. I wanted to be in an awesome almost-on-holiday mood today! I am going to go and re-read my 2013 Review post now to remind myself how lucky I actually am with this boy.

Oh, and yes, it is quite likely also a Love Languages issue. He still dished dinner for me, although I'd told him I wasn't eating. Offered me a drink and hung the washing (which I was going to do myself but it finished while I was in the bath). Quite likely: Acts of Service. But that means absolutely nothing to me ... It doesn't mean he cares, it means he is going thru the motions, doing what needs to be done. Urgh, some days it is so hard to live with someone else!! Haha, no doubt he feels the same! No, that doesn't make me feel any better right now. Cuddles. I need cuddles.

Anyway, I have a quiet work half-day ahead and then a spectacularly busy afternoon ahead o_0 Collecting the ironing, buying a new hutch (fingers crossed, peeps) and cleaning the house (before CollegeInstructor comes to house sit). Tomorrow, we'll be leaving this overcast rainy city and heading to Cape Town. Which I am really looking forward to :)

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