Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quick Post Before Work

Just a quick post because I have a busy day ahead training someone ... unusual, so we'll see how it goes :) I may have wanted to be a teacher back when I was in Standard 8, but I quickly learnt, I simply do not have the patience for it.

Last night was nice. I wasn't feeling 100% so skipped Yoga and Varen came over for dinner (Chicken & Broccoli bake courtesy of Woolies) and we watched some Heroes and House. I'm horrified to say that I'm starting to really enjoy Heroes ... yes, it's a bit annoying that it only really gets good (in my opinion) after about the first 15 episodes, which is really long to wait ... Dexter was only 12 episodes for the whole Season and that was brilliant from the word go!

So, that's life in a nutshell. Nothing too exciting, but I did get sent a very cool site this morning :) Mice and More actually supplies these very cool computer mice in South Africa. Yes you read right, this is one of those very rare situations where you spot something cool online and can actually get it in SA! Which is all the more reason I'm blogging about it :) Plus these mice look so fun!

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