Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Twitter Me?

Nothing too exciting to report. Tuesday night was much the same as Monday night. Some more gym, some dinner ... which was better than Monday night :) I made Lamb and Risoni with Mustard Sauce. Didn't spend as much time just sitting and watching my gorgeous buns yesterday tho, because I whacked Intrepid Ibex and installed Windows 7 on my laptop. But I did manage to put up those pics on yesterday's post that I promised. Isn't Lily just darling ;) She reminds me so much personality-wise of Henna. And I accidentally called Coal "Fizzy" yesterday ... because he reminds me of my folk's boy-border-collie! Mad, I know.

Oh, and I didn't go to the Joburg Tweetup in Sandton last night either ... I thought about it, I did. Until it actually got to Tuesday and then I changed my mind completely and decided not to go. I'm not a big twitterer, I generally don't participate in the million conversation streams between everyone so I'm not really sure if I wanna meet up irl yet ... you know? Somehow it seems completely different than when I actually arranged for the bloggirls to meet up. I knew them, I read them daily. Twitter is just something going on sorta in the background for me. For me it's mostly a lot of overheard stompies ... bit's of conversations between people where you didn't catch half of it. I don't know what I'd talk to them about if I met up with them. Anyway, on with Wednesday ...


Anonymous said...

Just shows you how clued up I am! Didn't even know there was a tweetup!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about twitter. I like it but it's a very distant second to blogging. :)

boldly benny said...

How was your new dish? I tried to get creative last night but then my hunger overtook this desire and I just did boring roast veg and prego steak.

Louisa said...

I didn't know about last night's tweet-up either. Who organised it? Anyhoo, I see you might be popping-in on Sunday...hope I'll see you there (if you can tear yourself away from the fluffies for the afternoon). ;-)

Tamara said...

Hmmm... I've never understood Twitter. To me, it would be even more irritating than FaceBook. With my muddled brain I struggle to keep up IM with one person at a time ;-)

phillygirl said...

@glugs - there's one this Sunday too. Check out the invite here

@jane - oh definitely!

@benny - the Lamb & Risoni was nice, a bit of a mild flavour for me ... Varen's not a huge mustard fan so was just right for him.

@louisa - @SnowgooseSA organised it, I think? Yeah might come on Sunday ... Varen might be working again :P

@tamara - I must say it is certainly hard to keep constantly up-to-date with everyone on those two at the same time ;)

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