Thursday, November 24, 2011

Christmas Crazy Social Season

Wow, the Christmas Crazy Social Season is *definitely* here. Yesterday afternoon I headed to Virgin Active for my Discovery Vitality Fitness Assessment. Let's not mention it again :P In my head I do definitely want to do something about losing some weight ... but when it comes down to the actual effort involved, there is always something I'd rather be doing.

I am seriously considering that 2012 may be the year to invest in a personal trainer, just to get me forced into gymming properly. anyway, we'll rediscuss this in Jan (of course!). Hahaha, I remember how determined I was at the start of 2011. Wow that seems so recent :P

On with the more fun news. The Trucker collected my new bench yesterday afternoon and then when he came over for dinner he assembled it and there it is, on my verandah :) It fits *exactly* perfectly. I can't wait to get some comfy cushions for it next weekend :)

We finished watching Falling Skies last night. Meh, we were quite enjoying it, but by the last 2 episodes it was getting a bit wishy-washy for me. As The Trucker said, it's strange how you actually dont really care what happens to the characters. Anyway.

And then, best news of all, today is officially a Friday for me :) I'm off tomorrow! We're flying down to Cape Town for the weekend tomorrow morning. I can NOT wait! I can't wait to show The Trucker some of my favourite Cape Town things (like our beach cottage), I can't wait to see my family and I can't wait to see The Divine Miss M. It's going to be awesome :)

And in case that wasn't enough excitement for you, I have only one evening to myself next week ... Tues - Fri are already all completely booked up! It's gonna be exhausting but awesome :)

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