Friday, September 06, 2013

Customer Service Surprise

Morning all. So it's fair to say it's been a bit of a rough week.

Monday night we spent at home. Tuesday evening I went to SCM, worrying about Rex. To be fair I haven't had a good track record with my bunnies coming home after the vets have kept them overnight (except in a spaying, so they weren't there for any sort of illness).

And then Wednesday I got the bad news, went into work late because I had a workshop from 10 - 6pm. So got home after dark. Cuddled a little with Lily and had a quiet somber night at home.

Last night I skipped Boot Camp (I know, I know), because I wanted to let Lil have some run around time in the daylight and keep an eye on her. If I'd gone to boot camp she would probably get about 15mins max, in the almost-dark.

Plus we had dinner plans. We headed to Cafe Mexicho with The Trucker's 2nd family for the Dad's birthday. Was a lovely evening out. And then when we got home we had our first feline intruder experience.

Being more attuned with the animals after this week's loss, I noticed Gypsy hadn't said a word since we got home. The Trucker then discovered another cat hiding under the spare room bed which Gypsy was constantly going back to and staring under.

We got the poor shaken thing out. But it did make me wonder if this happens during the day when we leave a window open for Gyps. It doesn't seem to have got a look into her food as she hadn't even finished herself with the evening's antics. And it did explain the bunched up floor mats in the bathroom. Haha.

Today I'm feeling quite drained by the week. I have a bunch of admin to get done ... almost done with my Tax documents for 2013, I just need some older bank statements. Such a hassle doing Expense Statements for Rental properties o_0.

And then this weekend there is lots to look forward to. As well as another trip to Lanna Day Spa for a re-do of my gel nails. Can you believe an entire one has now peeled off. I complained yesterday morning about it on Twitter. I especially got the gel polish because I'd heard it would last 2-3 weeks. 3-4 days wasn't exactly what I was expecting. But they stepped up to the plate and have offered to re-do them for me on Sunday, for free. So fingers crossed for a better outcome this time :)

And I'm getting my hair did. And we got a message on Wednesday that our San Fransisco AirBnb accommodation had been canceled. That was a shock to my overly organised system. But we've managed to book an alternative and even got a 50USD voucher from AirBnb. So I'm pretty impressed with them at the moment.

And we're waiting for an order from Yuppie Chef, exciting :) We got a lot of the typical boring stuff, but I'm actually most excited about these dinosaur cookie cutters - haha. And this weekend we 're off to purchase our new mattress. Have been selling a ton of our old stuff on Gumtree, laptops, old cameras, tumble-driers, fridges. Next job will be to sell the 3 old couches and buy a new one, but that is a job for after our holiday. Eep, it's Tuesday week. Too. Excited.

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